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Majoral adheres to the Responsible Jewellery Council’s Code of Practices


Majoral adheres to the Responsible Jewellery Council’s Code of Practices

The Catalan company surpasses the supervision of good practices of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), which establishes standards of sustainability for the jewellery and watchmaking industry.

Majoral goes one step further in its commitment to sustainability and responsible jewellery on adhering to the Responsible Jewellery Council’s Code of Practices, the leading organization in the establishment of standards of sustainability for the jewellery and watchmaking industry.

The adhesion of Majoral to the RJC Code of Practices occurs after surpassing the external supervisory audits undertaken by the international organisation. With this code, Majoral guarantees a responsible business conduct in its policies and management systems.

Jewellery that guarantees a positive impact for people and the environment

RJC guarantees that the companies and entities certified with their code of good practices undertake their activity sustainably and responsibly throughout their value chain, placing emphasis on the suppliers, labour rights, the environment the mines and transparency.

In this way, Majoral applies internal procedures to ensure the compliance of the RJC international standards. These standards certify that all the Catalan company’s suppliers work in areas free from conflict or violence; it also guarantees the geographic origin of the diamonds, gold and metals, as well as the practices employed to obtain them. As a result, Majoral only uses recycled gold or that extracted from artisan mines.

With the certification, Majoral becomes one of the six Catalan jewellery companies that have achieved this certification of good practices.

A commitment to transparency

One of the goals of the code of good practices is to convert its members into assets that, with their management, contribute to the fight against money laundering, one of the historic challenges in the jewellery world.

The code of practices urges the companies in the jewellery sector to identify all their suppliers, asking for the relevant documentation and meticulously evaluating their high-risk partners. Thus, Majoral has elaborated an internal procedure to apply the KYC principles (Know Your Counterpart) that identify and verify the identities of its clients and commercial partners.

Furthermore, Majoral has also doubled its commitment to a management style guided by the principles of transparency. For this reason, the Catalan company publishes the Code of Ethics and the Due Diligence System on its web page, where the principles of the firm’s Code of Ethics are applied.

Majoral, committed to the Fairmined gold certificate

In fact, since 2014 Majoral has consumed and distributed Fairmined certificated gold, which guarantees that the precious metal comes from small artisan mines where dignified and safe jobs are produced and which undertake the extraction of gold using responsible practices regarding the environment. In 2018, Majoral introduced diamonds with double certification, obtained from mines that offer guarantees of traceability and audited by external bodies. Since 2020, Majoral has also introduced natural colour untreated sapphires, extracted in small-scale mines, respectful of their environment.

Majoral has thus implemented a most exhaustive control of the types of gold it uses in its workshop: Fairmined and recycled gold. This has resulted in a stricter management of the metals in the workshop and the application of a recycling protocol of the surplus metal. The recycling process enables the surplus gold to be processed and purified so it can be used again.

All Majoral’s jewellery incorporates the seal that indicates which of the two types of metal has been used to create the piece.

Caring for, respecting and protecting the natural and social environment: Majoral’s DNA

Majoral’s work has always had a strong link with nature, which has served as a source of inspiration and backbone of the firm’s creative imagination. Aware that jewellery requires an intensive use of raw materials, Majoral has been committed for years to the application of responsible practices in jewellery. These practices encompass aspects such as the acquisition of fine materials to the use of ethical and sustainable supply and waste management. In this sense, Majoral is committed to energy suppliers who guarantee clean energy production. Additionally, Majoral manages the suitable waste recycling through the Documental Waste System.

The Catalan firm has shown a heavy commitment to the Mediterranean environment through the creation of jewellery inspired by the region’s beauty. This commitment, however, has also been expressed with the adhesion of Majoral in the Aliança Mar Blava, an entity that concentrates more than 120 organisations that work to promote more sustainable navigation and stopping any oil project in the Mediterranean.